Driving While Suspended
Understanding The Common Yet Serious Offense of Driving While Suspended With The Law Offices of Erik Nicholson.
Oregon cops love to make DWS (Driving While Suspended) arrests any time they get a chance. DWS cases are an easy way for law enforcement to inflate arrests numbers in an attempt to justify additional local or state funding. Police are trained to stop you for any minor traffic infraction. If you are pulled over and suspended you will be arrested, no questions asked. People are often surprised and concerned to learn that many Oregon police cars are equipped with automatic license plate scanners that are always monitoring your whereabouts and looking for suspended drivers.
Some common reasons for a Suspended License include:
- Breath test failure or breath test refusal after a DUI arrest;
- Any DUI conviction;
- Most motor vehicle related convictions such as Hit & Run or Reckless Driving;
- Failure to Appear for a court date
The reason why your license was suspended will greatly impact the outcome of your DWS case. If you are unsure why your license is suspended, contact Erik Nicholson so he can diagnose the situation and develop a game plan for your criminal case and driver license reinstatement.
Depending on why your license is suspended, you will be charged with either a violation, class A Misdemeanor, or Felony level offense.
Washington and clackamas county da’s prosecute driving while suspended crimes aggressively!
Washington and Clackamas County DA’s prosecute Driving While Suspended crimes aggressively and will seek extremely high fines and jail time. We have an extensive track record of getting DWS cases dismissed or significantly reduced. Criminal cases are often like business negotiations. Erik Nicholson negotiates on your behalf for the best possible resolution.
Erik will not only help with your criminal case, he will determine what it takes to reinstate your Oregon drivers license as soon as possible. This includes working with DMV and connecting you with insurance industry experts to save you as much money as possible. Our goal is to get you back on the road!